THSOA encourages college/university students to consider a career in hydrographic surveying or other hydrospatial sciences. THSOA and its chapters provide several student scholarships in order to assist students with academic costs.

Without the help of our officers, volunteers, members, and event sponsors we would not be able to provide these scholarships and we thank you for your generosity. If you have any scholarship questions or concerns, please contact [email protected]. 

National Scholarships Offered

Tuition Scholarship  Deadline for Fall 2024 Semester: Closed

  • This scholarship is to be utilized for tuition, books, or fees associated with undergraduate or graduate school attendance.
  • The value of the scholarship is up to $1000. 

Internship Scholarship  Deadline for Spring/Summer 2024 Internships: Closed

  • This scholarship is to be utilized by the student to participate in an internship/fellowship.
  • The value of the scholarship is up to $2000.

Professional Certification / Training Scholarship  Deadline for Spring/Summer 2024 Programs: Rolling Submission while funds last. 

  • This scholarship is to be used by the student to receive a professional certification or attend a professional training (e.g., BOSIET, Captain’s License, micro-credentials etc.
  • The value of the scholarship is up to $1000 

Conference Attendance Scholarship Deadline for CHC24 and other Spring/Summer 2024 Conferences: Closed

  • This scholarship is to be used by the student to attend a conference.
  • The value of the scholarship is up to $2000.

*If you’re an industry member of THSOA and want to work with the Scholarship Committee to fund students to attend a training or certification, contact [email protected]

  • Undergraduate students must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours and graduate students must be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours. 
  • The applicant must be a citizen/permanent resident of The United States of America or possess a valid U.S. student visa.
  • Applications will be reviewed by THSOA Student Outreach and Scholarship Committee.
  • Students are not eligible for a national and a regional THSOA scholarship (e.g., THSOA Southeast Chapter) in the same academic year.

Application Submission

  • Please submit the scholarship application and all accompanying documents by electronic mail to [email protected].  Include your surname and the scholarship type in the subject line of the electronic mail (e.g., Browne_Internship).
  • Inquiries can be submitted to [email protected]
Download Application Form


New England Chapter Scholarships - Now Open!

Two Award Rounds - 
         First submission deadline: 30 June 2024
         Second submission deadline: 15 November 2024
  • This scholarship is to be utilized for tuition, books, or fees associated with undergraduate or graduate school attendance.
  • The value of the scholarship is up to $1000.
  • Please see attached form below for requirements and submittal. 

Questions? [email protected] 

Download New England Chapter Application Form 


Southeast Chapter Scholarships - Now Open!

Awarded January 1, 2025

 THSOA's Southeast Chapter is awarding between $6000 - 8000.00 worth of scholarships this year for education! Please see attached form below for requirements and submittal. 

Questions? [email protected] 

  • This scholarship is to be utilized for tuition, books, or fees associated with undergraduate or graduate school attendance.
  • The value of the scholarship is up to $1000.  

Download Southeast Chapter Application Form

Houston Chapter Scholarships for Texas

Deadline to submit applications has passed Friday, November 17th, 2023.


THSOA National Student Outreach & Scholarship Committee members:
Scholarship Coordinator: Stephan O’Brien, USF
Members: Roy Okurowski, WRS Engineering; Rachel Bobich, RMB GEO; Bryan Washington, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock 
Outreach Coordinators: Steve Evert, Stockton University; Julia Wallace, NOAA
Finance Officer: Christina Maschmeyer, 3Dat Depth
Co-Chair: Corey Goodrich, TCarta
Co-Chair: Calvin Martin, USM
To promote educational opportunities in the field of Hydrographic Sciences and create a more inclusive environment for students among THSOA members. The committee aims to identify and award scholarships to deserving students while actively engaging in outreach activities to enhance the overall student experience with the hydrographic community.